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Partners finalise the testing phase of the course on ‘Circular Economy Skills for VET trainers’

The partnership has held its fifth partners’ meeting in the German city of Düsseldorf to define the next steps of the project on its way to boosting the circular economy in the construction sector training at European level.

On 10th and 11th November, the Green Growth partners met at the training centre of the Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. (BZB) in Düsseldorf, Germany.

During the meeting, the partners worked to define the next tasks of the project and to achieve the objective of defining transversal competences among workers of the sector to face the challenge of the circular economy in construction. The meeting focused on the finalisation of the testing phase of the course on ‘Competences in circular economy’ for Vocational Education and Training (VET) trainers that has been designed within the project.

They also addressed the next result of Green Growth, a mobile application to implement the circular economy in rehabilitation and/or renovation works. In this sense, the partners agreed with the technical analysis for its technological development and set a schedule for content development.

Finally, a first workshop was held between the partners to establish the main topics and actions to be included in the final result of the project, which is a Roadmap for VET centres to manage and include the circular economy as a cross-cutting subject in their training curricula
