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Green Growth launches its app focus on the use of the circular economy during renovation works

The application is aimed at operators and SMEs to promote the use of circular principles in building refurbishment at different stages Green Growth releases the final version of its mobile application about circular economy in renovation works. The objective is to create a tool to promote more sustainable methods during refurbishments, offering support for bussinesses that recycle ...

The course on ‘Circular economy skills for VET trainers in construction’ is now available

Green Growth launches the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to contribute to the lifelong learning of construction trainers, offering a cross-cutting circular economy approach Starting in February 2023, Vocational Education and Training (VET) trainers of the sector interested in updating and/or improving their circular economy skills can follow the Green Growth online course, which is free of ...

More than fifty people registered for the online course on Circular Economy for VET trainers of the construction sector

The project partners launch the Green Growth pilot course in Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Slovenia to test the quality of the content and the viability of the platform During the months of October and November, through a web form, Vocational Education and Training (VET) teachers can register for the Green Growth online course on circular economy ...