Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes E. V. expound the Green Growth project in Düsseldorf
German partner brings project results to the construction industry to raise awareness of the use of the circular economy
Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes E. ...
The Scuola Construzioni Vicenza Andrea Palladio organizated the multiplier event of the Green Growth project in Italy
The organisation presenyed the result of the porject to the workers of the construction sector
The Scuola Construzioni Vicenza Andrea Palladio (SCVAP) hosted the ...
Green Growth raises awareness in the Belgian construction industry about the circular economy in construction
The Belgian multiplier event for the Green Growth project was organised on April 2023, 27th by the Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers in its ...
Green Growth launches its app focus on the use of the circular economy during renovation works
The application is aimed at operators and SMEs to promote the use of circular principles in building refurbishment at different stages
Green Growth ...
Partners meet to address the final stage of Green Growth
The project faces its closure during the last partners’ reunion, where the launch of the mobbile application about circular economy during renovation ...
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia celebrate an educational seminar to presentate the results of the Green Growth
On 24th February different entities from the construction sector in Slovenia assist at the facilities of the employers’ organisation
The Chamber of Commerce ...
More than fifty people registered for the online course on Circular Economy for VET trainers of the construction sector
The project partners launch the Green Growth pilot course in Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Slovenia to test the quality of the ...
Available the manual with case studies and exercises for construction trainers
The Green Growth project continues its challenge to promote the circular economy in the construction sector by publishing the Manual 'Case Studies ...
New handbook on circular economy in construction for trainers
The Green Growth project publishes a handbook to provide resources and training tools for VET teachers on circular economy and its practical ...
The partnership meets at headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Green Growth organises the second partners' meeting in the Slovenian capital to discuss the first results of the Circular Economy project.
Around fifteen ...
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